
Daniel Cui


Hi there! I'm a high school senior in the Bay Area.

I enjoy creating [cool things] with code, [sketching], making [pixel art], and writing [stories]. Feel free to check out my work below!

Right now, I'm working on paperplane, a text editor/format for enjoyable writing, two-colors, a game to treat amblyopia, and tart, a simple project management tool. More on my GitHub!

Reach me at solunian@gmail.com or @solunian on Discord.


Personal Website ·

Huh. I guess you're already here... well, that's something, isn't it? Anyway, have a nice day! Stay determined!

Unimash ·

A joke website replicating FaceMash for "uni"-versities. Just some fun with MongoDB, SvelteKit's form actions, and chess rating systems.

Jazzboard ·

A way to play jazz piano lead sheets on a computer keyboard. Prototyped at Hack Club's Outernet!

Tinovation Website

The amazing website for the revolutionized Tinovation club! Includes general club information, programming resources, a showcase for members' projects, and a cool leaderboard.


An interactive map for Cupertino High School to help students navigate around campus.

Calc BC Final Presentation ·

A visual math lesson on the surface area from a rotated curve. Used manim for cool animations!

LifeLink ·

Digital medical IDs for emergencies. 3rd place at Corpus Hacks 2023!

Neighborhood Watch ·

Live tracker/reporter for crime or suspicious activity through map pinpoints, images, and descriptions. For Hack Cupertino 2023.

MedTalk ·

Healthcare chatbot for quick and easy medical advice; plus, a searchable catalog of common medications. For Los Altos Hacks VII.

College Tree ·

Website for matching activities to high school students who are trying to get into college. For CUHSD Hackathon IV.

Dripdrop ·

"The next-gen water source." A website to test basic react-spring animations and dark mode with tailwindcss.

Mute Ads on Spotify ·

A tool to mute ads on Spotify through the computer's volume using the API and some simple audio manipulation with Python.


pixel art


Note: I had written several stories a while ago, but looking back now, they are definitely not my best work. So, back to the drawing board I go!